Pastor: Cecil R. Hopson

11209 No. Houston Mesa Road
East Verde Baptist Church of Whispering Pines is situated in the beautiful setting of tall Ponderosa pines along side the East Verde River, just below the Mogollon Rim. We are a small congregation with a heart for ministering to the unique area around us. Most churches minister to a given neighborhood. Our members and friends of the church come from the communities of Flowing Springs, Payson, Mesa Del Caballo, Beaver Valley Estates, Geronimo Estates, Rim Trail, Verde Glen, Cowan Ranch, Bonita Creek as well as Whispering Pines. Some of our faithful members travel as much as 18 miles. This is a special place to meet and worship our God. All are welcome.
About one-half of our members are full-time residents while the other half leave for the warmer climate of the valley for the winter months. We are known for our close-knit fellowship. Like the early New Testament church, we are always ready to lend a helping hand. Our monthly fellowship meals are very special. Our members have a wide variety of occupational and professional skills (most are retired) which gives us much experience from which to draw. All are welcome and are sure to find themselves "feeling right at home."
Member: Southern Baptist Convention, Arizona Southern Baptist Association, Valley Rim Association
Sunday School 9:15 AM
Worship Service 10:30 AM
Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 PM
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Adult Sunday School @ 9:15 - Chris Oberg
Sunday Service, @ 10:30 AM - Pastor Cecil Hopson on
Facebook Video at east verde baptist church payson az
The Ladies Bible Study has just finished a study, "Jesus & Women" by Kristi McClelland. Watch for news of the next study.
Calendar for 2021 (Subject to change due to COVID19 Health Crisis - TBD)
Note: All events subject to change in this Covid19 situation.
February - Saturday, Feb. 13th 5 PM, It's a Special Valentine's Day Event
March - Sunday, Mar. 7th - After services - "Chinese Sundae" Pot Luck
April - Sunday, April 4th - "Sun Arose" Service 8:00 AM followed by Easter Brunch,
then Church Service at regular time.
May - Sunday, May 2nd - Cinco de Mayo Pot Luck following services.
Sunday May 23rd - Outdoor Garden Party at the Jones' home.
June - Sunday, June 6th, 5 PM - BBQ/Fish Fry - Outdoors under the Pavilion.
August - Sunday, Aug. 8th - Ice Cream Social @ 5 PM at the Church.
September - Sunday, Sept. 12th - Baked Potato and Salad Bar after services.
October - Saturday, Oct. 16th @ 5 PM - Mystery Dinner.
November - Saturday, Nov. 6th @ 5 PM - Community Thanksgiving Dinner (TBD).
December - Sunday, Dec. 5th - Pizza for Lunch followed by decorating the Church
Sunday, Dec. 19th - evening of Christmas carols and Chili Supper.
From the south and east: Come through Payson, go north on 87 to Houston Mesa Road (at Home Depot), turn right on Houston Mesa Rd. and go approx. 11 miles to the junction of Houston Mesa and the Control Road (FR64).
From the North on 87: As you enter Payson, turn left on Houston Mesa Rd. Drive to the Control Road as above.